Online Learner Quiz

  • Due No due date
  • Points 0
  • Questions 0
  • Time Limit 30 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts 3


Happy Online StudentNote to advisors and faculty: The questions below are screen shots, so you will not be able to respond. Students enrolled in OLRN will see and be able to answer the questions in the quiz itself.

Characteristics of a Successful Online Learner

This quiz will give you another opportunity to practice using the quiz tool and to reflect on what you've learned in this orientation.

Now that you have watched the videos about the characteristics of successful online learners, please answer the following questions. There is a 30-minute time limit, and you may take the quiz up to three times. The highest score will be recorded.

If you need more help using Canvas Quizzes:


Online Learner Q1 and Q2

Online Learner Q3

Online Learner Q4

Online Learner Q5


Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes