Discussion Post

Students having online discussionsNote to advisors and faculty: This is a facsimile of the discussion for viewing purposes only. Students enrolled in OLRN will see this as an actual discussion that they can respond to. 

Online courses often include Discussions as a way for students to interact with the instructor, the content, and each other. The Instructor will post a question for each member of the course or group to answer.

Some general discussion guidance:

  • Post early in the module or week so that others may respond to your posting.
  • Connect or relate your response to the course content.
  • Write in an academic style that is free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors..
  • If there is a requirement to respond to a classmate, try to further the conversation by offering a different point of view, asking questions, or  supporting the other person's post with additional information.
  • Be respectful of other points of view, and use good netiquette. 
  • Most students enjoy their interaction with classmates in the discussions. 


  1. Click on Reply directly below the questions and type your responses in that box.
    1. Feel free to experiment with the editing tools shown at the top of the box (bold, text colors, etc.). You can insert an emoji by right-clicking and choosing Emoji at the top of the list. 😊
  2. When you are done, click the Post Reply button.
  3. If you would like to respond to a classmate's post, click Reply beneath that person's post.

If you need more help using Canvas Discussions:

Please Reply to These Questions:

  1. What are some reasons you decided to take an online course instead of an on-campus or remote class?
  2. How do you plan to manage your time and stay organized?

Click Reply  to post your response.