!! New ACES !!

A new, sleeker, updated version of ACES will go live on August 17, 2015. 

Here are the important considerations:

  1. "New" ACES will require a first-time login with a default password. Your first-time login user name will be the same as the one you've always used for ACES (ex. jgarcia123) and your password will be the first two letters of your last name, in CAPS, followed by your birthdate in MMDDYY format

  2. For example, Jessica Garcia, born on June 22, 1980 will log in as jgarcia123 with password GA062280.

  3. As soon as you log in with the default password, you'll be prompted to change the password. You may use the same password you were using in old ACES!

  4. Remember to change your bookmarks/favorites to the new ACES URL: alamoaces.alamo.edu Links to an external site.. You will need to do this on each computer and mobile device on which you have old ACES bookmarked.

  5. You will still be able to get into old ACES, but you'll find that many of the links and tools inside no longer work. If that happens, please log into new ACES. 

If you have any difficulties or questions, please contact Support Central at 210-485-0555, opt. 4. 


Once inside, you will find that not much has changed significantly inside of ACES. The layout will be cleaner, and lot of old "junk" will be gone.

The tabs will be the same (My Courses, Faculty, Employee, etc.).

The course tools within ACES will be the only things that have changed a lot. Online training for the new ACES course tools will be available soon. If you are still using the ACES course tools, please consider switching over to Canvas now. The capabilities within Canvas are much greater, are easy to use, and will be the default for all courses. ACES course tools may not be available after this academic year.


Remember, new ACES is not yet live. But here's a sneak preview: