ACES - A "How-To" Guide
What is it?
ACES is the Luminis (a product name) portal behind which all password-protected information related to the Alamo Colleges resides. In a nutshell, all student, faculty, employee, and course information is safely contained behind the "door" (portal) of the ACES login.
How do I log in?
From the NVC Links to an external site. or Alamo Colleges Links to an external site. homepage, click the login to ACES tab near the top right.
Use your Alamo ID (not Banner #) as your user name.
- If this is your first time accessing ACES, click the bottom link How do I get a user name and password? Click here.
- If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password? link.
- If you're having trouble logging in, click the Having problems logging in? Click here link, or call the IT Help Desk at 210-486-4777 or 210-485-0555, opt. 1. Please note that these numbers are also available on the ACES login page along with other links to ACES help.
What should I do first?
First, you should make sure you have a strong password that you can remember easily, and you should set your timeout preferences. You can do this by clicking My Account near the upper left, next to your name.
What's in ACES?
Once you are logged in, you will see many tabs. Those used most frequently by faculty are the Home page, My Courses, Faculty, and Employee tabs. Each will be covered in more detail in the next four pages of this course.
Did you know . . . ?
On any ACES page, you can customize the page view to expand, "collapse" (minimize/hide), or even remove (delete) entire channels (boxes). Use the tiny gray icons in the upper right corner of each box to personalize your ACES layout.
Where can I get help?
Please note the Help icon in the upper right corner. The guides will help you use ACES. For help with specific tools and resources within ACES, please contact the IT Help Desk or your department.