How Do I Save and Send My Attendance Report in Canvas?
How Do I Save and Send My Attendance Report in Canvas?
At the end of the semester, your department may ask you to save or send a copy of your Canvas attendance report. It's quite easy to do.
1. Open the Attendance tool from the left menu.
2. Click the gear wheel near the upper right corner, and select Attendance Report.
3. The report will be sent to your Alamo email, usually within a couple of minutes. It will be from "Roll Call."
4. Click the link in the email to open the report.
5. The report a will be a csv document that opens in Excel. If you see any columns with ###### in them, simply widen the column the column to display the contents.
6. If you wish to sort the report by student, click Sort & Filter in the top menu, then Custom Sort.
Choose Student Name, and then Class Date to sort each student chronologically.
7. When you save the report, change it to an Excel (xls or xlsx) file in order to keep it in a more readable format.
Here is an example of a final attendance report. Download Here is an example of a final attendance report.