How Do I Save or Send My Grade Book?
How Do I Save or Send My Grade Book?
This is quite easy to do in Canvas. Here's how:
First, change the little dashes that mean an assignment has not been submitted to zeroes. If there aren't too many, you can simply type a 0 over any grade that appears as a --.
Or, you can click the little blue drop-down arrow over any assignment that has unsubmitted students. Choose Curve Grades. Then check the box that says Assign zeroes to unsbumitted students and click Curve Grades. (You do not need to change the Average Score.)
When you are satisfied that all grades are properly recorded, click the "gear" icon over the students' usernames and select Download Scores (.csv). This will make a copy of your grade book in Excel.
You can then save the Excel file or email it to your department, as requested.