Submitting an IT Request
Submitting an IT Request
If you need any of the following, please submit a request to the college IT department using Footprints. This is located in ACES under the Employee tab, right column. Log in using the same user name and password as you use to log onto your work computer.
- Fix a broken computer or other hardware (printer, projector, phone, etc.)
- Install, update, or repair software/applications on your work computer
- Fix login problems on student/classroom computers
- Help with email, phones, calendars, ACES, etc.
- Help or problems with printing, fax, copying, or scanning
Here is the Footprints online tutorial Links to an external site..
Creating a New Request (Ticket)
1. To create a new ticket, click on the New Request button.
2. Summary - type a quick description of the issue you are reporting.
3. Your Personal Information – Your contact information should automatically be prefilled into the
form. Please verify accuracy of information and correct as needed.
4. If you are submitting a ticket for another person, select Yes under Submitted on Behalf of
Another Person (OBO). Then enter their contact information as required.
5. Description – Enter a detailed description of your service request or issue. Note: the formatting
toolbar offers editing features similar to Microsoft Word. You can also copy and paste pictures
directly into the description box. For example: include pictures of error messages.
6. Ticket Information – Select categories for your ticket request. For example: If you are reporting
an issue with ACES
a. Service – select the service category for your request. For ACES select Enterprise
b. Component – Select the Component ACES Portal
c. Detail – Select the Detail category for your request, for example: Report a Problem.
7. Notifications – You may enter another e-mail address to receive FootPrints ticket notification.
8. Attachments – You may attach files to the ticket up to 4MB.
9. Click Save
10. Your new Request will now display in the Home Page.