ACES - Employee tab
ACES - Employee tab
This page can be pretty overwhelming; it contains a lot of information and links.
Remember to use the little icons in the upper right corner of each box to minimize or even delete the boxes you don't need or rarely use.
Here are a few items you definitely will use:
The Left Column
Web Services
Click Web Services, Employee and then click through the list. Unfortunately, the list isn't in alphabetical order, so find the items you will use most: probably Pay Information (pay stubs and earnings) and Tax Forms (you'll need this for income taxes each year).
Facilities Service Request
If your office or classroom needs maintenance or repairs, submit your request here.
The Middle Column
Enterprise-Employee Resources
You will probably not use many of these links; however, a few are worth noting:
- Lag in Payroll FAQs - especially if you're an adjunct or FT teaching an overload
- Purchase Microsoft Products Here! - to purchase Office or Adobe software at a great discount
Registration Station
Links to lots of helpful training for faculty advisors.
The Right Column
The top box contains a link to enter Concourse (eSyllabus) and training (Intro to Concourse). You can open them at the same time.
The third box is AlamoLearn. This is where you will register for all faculty and professional development sessions.
Alamo Idea Suggestion Program
The program pays out nice $$ rewards to the best suggestions each year, so it's worth submitting your ideas!
Faculty Compensation and Acknowledgement
Click the position name to acknowledge your correct title and pay each semester.
This is the link to submit a ticket for IT or IR (Institutional Research). Use FootPrints if your computer needs repair, software installation, updates, and so on. Also use this link for phone repairs and to report technology/equipment problems in classrooms and labs.