BioSig - ID
What is BioSig?
BioSig-ID™ is a multifactor authentication tool that uses physical biometrics to make it more difficult for unauthorized users to access secure data or commit fraud by posing as another individual. In plain English, BioSig will be used to help prevent identity theft and to minimize academic dishonesty in online courses. It helps to ensure the person who is taking your online course or an assessment in your course is really who they say they are.
How Do I Get Started?
Please start by requesting and completing the fully online BioSig - ID training available in Alamo Learn.
How Do I Do That?
Log into ACES, Employee tab, Click here to enter Alamo Learn (right column).
Search for "BioSig" in the upper right corner search box. Choose the Online Training (top result) with the blue screen icon:
The training will answer the majority of questions you might have as well as provide you with further avenues for help.
You can also go to the training directly Links to an external site.; although we recommend you complete it in AlamoTalent first (so you get credit for completion).
Here is a brief introductory video that explains what BioSig - ID Links to an external site. is and how it works.
What should I tell my students about BioSig?
Here is some proposed wording. BioSigID SAMPLE LETTER TO STUDENTS.docx
I need some help putting this into my Modules!
Here is a very helpful step-by-step document that will walk you through: BioSig ModuleHelp.docx Download BioSig ModuleHelp.docx
What happens if someone forgets their password?
If someone forgets their password, an automatic email is generated and sent to that person immediately which allows a password reset. BioSigSelfReset.pdf Download BioSigSelfReset.pdf
Where can my students and I get additional help?
The District IT Help Desk (Support Central) can help with issues such as passwords, browser compatibility, broken links, etc. 210-485-0555, opt. 4.
NOTE: Please make sure that students do not call Canvas for help; this is not their product. Help is available at 210-485-0555, opt. 4.