ACES - Faculty tab
ACES - Faculty tab
Please take some time to become familiar with all of the resources available on the Faculty tab. You will need to access many of them.
Web Services
Click Web Services, then Faculty, to see a menu of services available to faculty members. Here's a brief description of each:
Grades First
Grades First is the Early Alert System designed to let faculty and advisors know when a student is at risk of failing a class. Click here to see a list of students in your current classes and their at risk status. This is not the location where you will enter your students' at-risk status; that link will be sent to you in an email to your Alamo email account. For questions, please contact Christa Emig at 210-485-0167.
Canvas Faculty Resources
- Quick Guide is an open training course for students, but faculty find it pretty handy, too. No login is required.
- The Technical Support page has great info about browsers and pop-up blockers as well as Help Desk phone #s.
- College Resources is a link to all student resources: library, labs, financial aid, advising, access, etc.
- User Guides links you to all Canvas guides and videos; also available through the Help button in all Canvas courses.
- Instructor Cheat Sheet is a "quickie" guide that explains each of the Canvas tools.
- Canvas Live, Test, and Beta are our three Canvas environments.
- Use Canvas Live to get into Canvas without going through My Courses; for example, to enter training courses.
- You probably won't use Test or Beta unless you are part of a test group.
- Browser Check will tell you if your browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) is up to date and compatible with Canvas.