Checklist: Beginning of the Term
Beginning of the Term Checklist
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- Compare your Canvas roster and your student roster found in ACES. (If different, contact Support Central at 210-485-0555 option 4)
- Canvas is now the default setting for NVC courses. You no longer need to use the gray "pencil box" (now a wrench) in ACES, My Courses tab, to switch the course into Canvas. You need to do this only if you do not wish to use Canvas and want to use the ACES course tools instead.
- Click on the name of your course to open it. Click Settings in the left menu.
- In the Course Details tab, adjust your course start and end dates Links to an external site., as needed.
- In the Navigation Links to an external site. tab, choose which tools will be visible to students in the left menu.
- In the External Tools tab, add any apps/LTIs Links to an external site. you will be using.
- Copy/load your content
Links to an external site. - Check for broken links, images, and videos (in student view Links to an external site.).
- Renew streaming rights or other permissions where necessary.
- Fix or clarify areas that caused problems last semester.
- Update your syllabus or link directly to Concourse syllabus.
- Be sure to include textbook info, technology requirements,class policies, grading scheme, schedule of activities/assignments, and netiquette
- Verify passwords in quizzes, if necessary.
- Check/Enable your course Grading Scheme
Links to an external site. - Check your grade calculations.
- Lock sensitive or copyright protected content in prior semester’s course. How to lock files/folders
Links to an external site..
- Set-up Roll Call
Links to an external site. grading
- Remove or hide items relevant only to prior semester:
- Announcements
- Spoilers (student wiki pages, study guides, answers, etc.)
- Contingency items (makeup quizzes, extra credit, etc.)
- Create a welcome notification on the homepage or announcement
- Introduce yourself and invite students to do the same.
- Add your contact info, photo, and bio to your course and edit your Canvas profile
Links to an external site..
- Customize your Canvas Courses menu
Links to an external site. with your current courses
- Create any practice/orientation/introductory activities.
Ensure that all assignments, activities, quizzes, pages, and modules are published for your student to see and publish your course
Links to an external site.. (To double-check use Student View
Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site. - If you need help using Canvas, please call 210-485-0555, opt. 2. (Available 24/7)
Other Things
- Set up your student response system (clickers).
- Set up your web conferencing, lecture capture, external tools, and other integrations (Turnitin, Aplia, SoftChalk, My___Lab, publisher content, etc.).