Checklist: Middle of the Term
Middle of the Term
Faculty actions to be completed at mid-term:
- If your chair or discipline coordinator requires an electronic or printed copy of your grade book, Download the Grade Book Links to an external site. for the course.
- Enter mid-term grades into ACES.
- Visit the Grades - Midterm and Final Grades page for more information about entering Mid-Term grades
- Visit the Grades - Midterm and Final Grades page for more information about entering Mid-Term grades
- This is a good time to ask students, "How's it going?"
- You can request course feedback using a variety of Canvas tools--whichever works best for you:
- Discussion
- Anonymous survey
Links to an external site. (in quizzes)
- or Graded Survey (give students a few "extra credit points")
- Private inbox message
- Collaborative document
- Editable (by students) content page Links to an external site. (this is anonymous, too)
- Assignment
- You can request course feedback using a variety of Canvas tools--whichever works best for you:
- External tool (such as Survey Monkey)
- You may also import an already-created "How's It Going?" survey from the Commons and then edit it to meet your own needs. Here's how:
- Click Commons in the left gray menu
- Click Quizzes
- Type "feedback" in the Search bar
- Click the name of the survey (How's It Going?)
- In the gray box on the right, check mark any course(s) into which you'd like to import the survey
- Click the Import into Course button
- The survey is now in the list of quizzes in your course(s) and you can add it to any module