Grades-Midterm and Final Grades

  Posting Grades-Midterm and Final Grades

Faculty will post midterm grades to keep students informed of their progress. Midterm grades may be viewed online through ACES. Midterm grades are for informational purposes only and not final grades of record.

It is the full responsibility of faculty to report grades prior to the hard deadlines provided by the college and district.  This includes Early Alert, Mid-Term and Final Grades. Additionally, students have the right to be informed of their standing in your class at any time.  It is recommended that Instructors regularly inform students of their current grades.  (Again, the use of the grade book in Canvas facilitates this responsibility). 

Mid-Term Grades must be input in ACES prior to the mid-term deadline for the term.  Mid-term exams are not required.  The average grade at mid-term is acceptable.

Posting Grades

  1. Login into ACES
  2. Go to the Faculty tab and select Web Services
  3. faculty self service web services option
  4. Select the Faculty Grade Entry link (This will allow you to post either Midterm or Final Grades)
  5. faculty advisor services grade selection
    1. To post Midterm grades, select the Midterm Grades tab or to post Final grades, select the Final Grade tab
      1. Select the CRN/Section you want to enter grades and confirm you are selecting the right Term for the section
      2. NOTE: Each column indicates the details of the CRN/section and can be sorted
        • Grade Status:
          • Completed, for sections grades have been entered
          • In Progress, for sections pending grade entry completion
          • Not Started, for sections pending grade entry
        • Subject:
          • The abbreviation and description of the course
        • Course:
          • The course number
        • Section:
          • The 3-digit number section
        • Title:
          • The short title of the section
        • Term:
          • The term tied to the section
        • CRN:
          • The five-digit number assigned to the section

faculty grade entry options midterm and final



Final Grades

Please make sure you post all grades by the deadline. 

The grading system in ACES communicates directly with the student information system (Banner) so that grades become part of the official student record. 

Final Grades must be input in ACES, along with the final date of attendance, and provided to Chairs or the administrative assistant for the department, including a copy of final grade book (paper), or exported Excel spreadsheet from Canvas (recommended); and a copy of final exam (if applicable).

Note: For high enrollment classes, be sure to check for a second page of listed students. 

Assigning a Letter Grade of F

  • The last date of attendance (LDA) must be entered to submit the grade.

Assigning an Incomplete Grade

  • Please follow the Posting Grades in ACES Links to an external site.– Posting Incomplete (I) Grades section, in ACES, Faculty tab, Faculty Resources box.
  • A contract must be created with the student(s) clearly outlining the remaining work and deadline for completion. The Incomplete Grade Form is also available in ACES, Faculty tab, Faculty Resources box.

Grades Rolling to Academic History  

Students cannot view grades until they roll into Academic History. Once a grade is rolled for a student, any changes will require the Change of Grade form. 

How do I know if grades have rolled? 

If you are still able to access the grade dropdown list, the grade has not yet rolled. 

Consequences for Missing Grades

On February 27, 2012, the VPASs approved Grade Guidelines at the request of the Presidents and Vice Chancellors. As part of our responsibility for student success, we need to provide grades to our students in a timely manner. There are now consequences for missing grades: 

  • Adjuncts may lose the opportunity to teach, and
  • Full-time faculty may lose overload assignments for one or more semesters.


Email: -the question/concern and provide the CRN of your class, the name and Banner ID of the student(s) in question.