End of Course Evaluations (Surveys)
End of Course Evaluations (Surveys)
End of Course Evaluations, or Student Surveys, are questionnaires completed by students near the end of most terms using Blue Explorance.
Students will receive an email through their ACES account with a direct link to their surveys and a request for their participation. Faculty should encourage all students to participate in this process.
Blue offers a Response Management function that gives you the ability to monitor the response rate and to re-send student links as needed.
ACES: Employee Tab: Faculty Training Guide Links to an external site.
- How to review your response rate
- How to see which students have responded
- How to resend the link to students who have not responded
Survey Availability Dates can be found on the following AlamoSHARE page, under Important Semester Dates: Academic Success Faculty Links to an external site.
Note: Survey results are reported to the Instructor, Department Chair, and the Vice President for Academic Success.