Review: Academic Standards: Grades Links to an external site.
Grades are due in the ACES Portal: Faculty Tab
Grading System
Course instructors establish grading policy in their respective syllabi. Permanent grades are recorded only at the end of each semester/session. The grades used are:
- A (excellent/exceptional performance)
- B (above average)
- C (average)
- D (below average/pass)
- F (failure)
- I (incomplete) *
- IM (incomplete military)**
- IP (in-progress) ***
- NC (non-credit)
- W (withdrawal, does not count in 6 drop limit)
- WS (withdrawal, counts in 6 drop limit)
- WX (withdrawal exemption, does not count in 6 drop limit)
- WM (military withdrawal)
- CR (non-traditional credit only)
- AU (audit)
- P (pass)
- NR (not recorded)
Grades no longer in use
WF (withdrawal failing)
WP (withdrawal passing)
Incomplete Grades
The conditional grade of “I” may be issued to a student having a passing average on all completed coursework but for a justified reason, such as illness or death in the family or by providential hindrance, has been prevented from taking the final examination or completing other required coursework. The “I” becomes an “F” in one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the end of the term unless the student completes the balance of the coursework with a performance grade of “D” or higher. Re-enrollment in the course will not resolve the “I.” Students may be required to sign an agreement outlining the requirements to satisfactorily complete the course.
Assigning an Incomplete Quick Reminder
- Please follow the Posting Grades in ACES Links to an external site. Links to an external site.– Posting Incomplete (I) Grades section, in ACES, Faculty tab, Faculty Resources box.
- A contract must be created with the student(s) clearly outlining the remaining work and deadline for completion. o The Incomplete Grade Form is also available in ACES, Faculty tab, Faculty Resources box.
Incomplete Military
A new grade has been created to assist our military students, the Incomplete Military (IM). In order to obtain the IM grade, the military member completes the Call to Active Service Election (CASE) Form for each course, requesting to be withdrawn or to obtain the Excused Absence with the Faculty Member. The Faculty member assists in the completion of the form; if there is less than 25% of the course remaining (excluding final examination period), they assign a grade of “IM” and follow the policy for incomplete grades. If more than 25% of the course remains (excluding final examination period), the Faculty member will complete the Expectations for Course Completion Contract with the student. The student then takes the form to the Veteran Affairs Office with a copy of their orders and will have 120 days from the date of return of active service to complete the coursework as agreed on the CASE from. The 120 days is tracked via a footprint submitted to CSI by A&R, however Faculty will notify Academic Chair and Academic Dean when the Incomplete Military contract is fulfilled/completed.
In-Progress Grades
A final grade of “IP” may be assigned to students who have not adequately mastered developmental course content during a given semester or term yet who, in the instructor’s judgment, have the potential to successfully complete the coursework. The only way to receive a passing grade in a course for which an “IP” grade has been recorded is to re-register for the course and earn a grade of “C” or better at the end of the semester or term in which the re-registration occurs.
Midterm Grades
The midterm grade is the student’s grade earned to date (as a proportion of what is available to be earned). It does not mean that faculty are obligated to have a midterm exam.
For a refresher on posting midterm grades, see Posting Grades in ACES Links to an external site. – Posting Midterm or Final Grades section, in ACES, Faculty tab, Faculty Resources box.
Early Alert Progress Reports:
Midterm Progress Reports are also due this date in Navigate FS (Faculty/Staff).
A separate email from with a link to your roster(s) is sent also.
To search for the email in your Inbox, search for Alamo, dst-academicsuccess, or Progress Report.
- The link provided in the email must be used to access the progress reports page.
- All comments must meet FERPA guidelines. As a guide, ensure all comments made can be read aloud in court. Please refer students needing behavioral intervention to SOBI.
Grade Changes
A student has a maximum of one (1) year from the end of the semester or term in which the final grade was issued to request a review of the grade or petition for a change of grade. The responsibility for determining all grades and for judging the quality of academic performance in a course rests with the instructor assigned to the course. A student who believes that the grade received is incorrect should schedule a conference with the instructor and provide supporting documentation to resolve the issue. If the student cannot reach the instructor in a timely manner, the student should contact the department chair for assistance. Grade changes require the approval of the instructor and the respective department chair.
If students are not satisfied with an instructor’s decision, they may initiate an Academic Grievance within five (5) days of the instructor’s decision. See Academic Grievance Procedure in District, State and Federal Regulations Links to an external site..
Grading Policy
Designing and maintaining an efficient and effective method of grading is an important responsibility for all faculty. Your grading policy should be easily understood by any viewer, especially your students. Along with the necessity of communicating a clear and concise system to students, faculty must follow NVC guidelines for reporting and archiving grades.
Grades/assessment policy must be in Simple Syllabus. It is recommended to complete the Simply Syllabus prior to the beginning of each semester for each class, but must be posted within the first week of any term.
Final Exam Schedule
Visit: Final Exam Schedules Links to an external site.
Posting Grades
Faculty are responsible for grades prior to the hard deadlines provided by the College and District. This includes Early Alert, Mid-Term and Final Grades. Additionally, students have the right to be informed of their standing in your class at any time. It is recommended that Instructors regularly inform students of their current grades. (The Canvas Gradebook facilitates this responsibility).
- Early Alert is an Alamo Colleges system that requires Instructors to report the pass/fail status of students early in the term. Instructors receive an email from dst-academicsuccess.
- Mid-Term Grades must be input in ACES prior to the mid-term deadline for the term. Mid-term exams are not required, however grades are.
- Final Grades must be input in ACES and provided to Department Chairs or the Administrative Services Specialist, including a copy of the final grade book (paper or electronic).
Official grades are posted in ACES. The best way to check that your grades are saved is to exit page, and get back in. If the grades appear, the system has captured them correctly.
Look for reminder emails from dst-academicsuccess.
Please be mindful of the requirement to post grades on time. Failure to post grades by the semester deadline may result in a loss of scheduled classes for the next semester.
On February 27, 2012, the VPASs approved Grade Guidelines at the request of the Presidents and Vice Chancellors. As part of our responsibility for student success, we need to provide grades to our students in a timely manner. There are now consequences for missing grades:
• Adjuncts may lose the opportunity to teach, and
• Full-time faculty may lose overload assignments for one or more semesters.
Final Grades
Assigning a Letter Grade of F
- The last date of attendance (LDA) must be entered to submit the grade.
- Therefore, if the Enrollment Services Office drops a student and the LDA was not posted, you will need to submit the LDA for that student.
Verifying, Editing, and Record Keeping Quick Reminder
Please follow the Posting Grades in ACES Links to an external site. Links to an external site.– Verify and Edit Posted Grades, in ACES, Faculty tab, Faculty Resources box.
- The information provided will guide you with how to copy your roster for record keeping directly from ACES.
- Keep in mind this form in Banner does NOT reflect any grade changes. Grade changes are recorded on the Academic History form in Banner, a separate form from the one the department admin will be able to view.
- To view an individual student's grades, refer to the student's unofficial transcript in ACES.
Grades Rolling to Academic History
Students cannot view grades until they roll into Academic History. Once a grade is rolled for a student, any changes will require the Change of Grade form.
How do I know if grades have rolled?
If you are still able to access the grade dropdown list, the grade has not yet rolled.
Canvas Gradebook
Review: Canvas Instructor Guide: Grades Links to an external site.
Ensure you understand how to use the Canvas Gradebook, assignment weights, etc.
If your department requires it, Export Grades in the Gradebook Links to an external site.
Questions or did not receive the Midterm Progress Report email from dst-academicsuccess?
Email: dst- - the question/concern and provide the CRN of your class, the name and Banner ID of the student(s) in question.