Smart Start and Early Alert
Smart Start and Early Alert
SmartStart is covered in the NVC catalog under Academic Standards Links to an external site..
Smart Start–The First DAY Counts
Students must attend the first class or contact you. Online students are expected to complete an attendance verification activity by Day 3. You define what that activity is. To Smart Start drop a student, find the Student's Banner ID in your Summary or Detailed class list in ACES. Then go to Faculty Web Services - Student Course Withdrawal. If you're within the Smart Start period for your class, that option will appear. Students who are Smart Smart dropped will get an automated email notifying them of the drop.
If a student requests a drop via ACES, then you will receive an email request. Complete the request using the Student Course Withdrawal link in ACES ➡ Faculty tab ➡ Web Services ➡ Student Course Withdrawal. NOTE: If it is the student's last or only course, the drop must be finalized by an Advisor.
Smart Start vs. After Census Drops
Use Smart Start link to drop any students on or before census. The class will not appear on their transcript, and it will not count towards 6-drop. Drops after census are done by posting a final grade of W (and the last date of attendance) on the Final Grades roster. Once the drop is completed by CSI, the final grade may change to a WS (one of 6 allowed drops), WX (the student petitioned to have the drop exempted from the 6-drop count), W (if the student is exempt from 6-drop ruling), or WM (if it is a military drop).
Smart Start FAQs Download Smart Start FAQs
Early Alert
Faculty notice to student of progress at 3-week and 8-week in 16-week term with second tier of contact by advisor for students with multiple early alert notices.
If you have no students at-risk, click the link in the Early Alert Progress Report email you receive from District - Academic Success, and then click the “I’m all done” button. This will record all students as not at-risk and will document that you met the requirement.
For students you identify as at-risk, you will find numerous headings with distinct reasons for the faculty member to choose. This will allow faculty to pinpoint student issues in a more precise manner, including when a course average is not yet available for the semester. Additionally, the faculty member may choose to select multiple reasons for the purposes of comprehensive documentation.
The email that is sent out to students once you designate that they are high risk is now much more straight-forward and clearly requests that the student contact the professor to discuss an improvement plan.
NVC Catalog - Early Alert and Interventions Links to an external site.
Phone: 210-212-5266
Early Alert – ACES – Faculty tab – Navigate FS Quick Guide