Student Attendance

  Student Attendance


Review: NVC Catalog Links to an external site.

What Constitutes Attendance and/or Participation?

Student AttendanceAttendance is not just a physical presence in the classroom. For many Instructors, participation is a factor as well. It is important to clearly state your grading policy concerning attendance or participation in your syllabus. Make your expectations and grading rationale as specific as possible.

It is the Instructor's responsibility to clarify and to communicate early with students when they don't meet expectations. As part of a classroom management strategy, Instructors should clarify what constitutes participation in both face-to-face and online learning environments. As mentioned in the catalog, tardiness and early departure may also be graded. 

For online classes, faculty should state the login amount or activity requirements that constitute for online course attendance.

Students are expected to attend class on the first day and throughout the semester.

What constitutes excessive absences?

Course instructors establish policy with regard to attendance in their respective syllabi and may drop a student for excessive absences.  Absences may be considered excessive when more than 12.5 percent of the total contact hours of instruction in a semester, including lecture and lab, are missed.  For example, in a three-credit-hour lecture class, students may be dropped after more than six contact hours of absences. In a four-credit-hour lecture/lab class, students may be dropped after more than eight contact hours of absences. 

Both tardiness and early departure from class may be considered forms of absenteeism.

Absences are counted regardless of whether they occur consecutively. In special programs with additional accreditation or certification standards, additional attendance requirements may be enforced, but faculty must clearly explain these policies in their syllabi.

Student-Initiated & Faculty-Initiated Drops

It is the student’s responsibility to drop a course if s/he can no longer attend according to the instructor’s course policy. However, if you wish to drop a student for excessive absences, be sure this process is outlined in your syllabus, and contact the student before taking action. 

Military Service

Students who receive notice of a requirement to participate in active military service shall not be penalized for their absence. Instructors shall excuse a student from attending classes or engaging in other required activities, including examinations, and those students shall be allowed to complete an assignment or take an examination within a reasonable time after the absence.  (See Texas Administrative Code Links to an external site. for more details.)

Religious Holy Days

According to the THECB, all institutions of higher education shall excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. (See Texas Administrative Code Links to an external site. for more details.)



Phone: 210-212-5266