Class Cancellations and Delays

  Class Cancellations and Delays

Cancelling a Class

If you must cancel a class, contact your Department Chair, Discipline Coordinator, and Administrative Services Specialist, as far in advance as possible.

If you contact your department during normal work hours, an employee will attach a notice to your classroom door along with a sign-in sheet for students. Sign-in sheets are removed 15-30 minutes after the class start time. The sheet is then stored by your Department Administrative Services Specialist and/or provided to the instructor. If payment to a substitute is required, your Department Administrative Services Specialist will complete the necessary form and obtain signatures for processing.

Contact your students as far in advance as possible to notify them of a class cancellation.

You may use the Canvas Inbox or Alamo ACES email to notify an entire class. Students are more likely to receive your cancellation notice immediately if you use the Canvas Inbox. Be sure to let the students know if they are expected to complete any classwork or assignments before the next scheduled class meeting.

For an ongoing conflict due to health, personal reasons, or professional development:

The Faculty Instruction Alternative (FIA) allows adjuncts and FT faculty teaching overloads to move a week’s equivalent of classes to an online module. 

Class Delays

If you are running late for your class, contact your Department Chair, Discipline Coordinator, and Administrative Services Specialist.