Last Day to Drop/Withdraw

  Last Day to Drop/Withdraw

November calendar mounted on white wallThe Last Day to Withdraw is the date on which students may receive a non-punitive "W" on their transcript. After the "W" date, students must receive a passing, failing, incomplete, or "in progress" letter grade (A, B, C, D, F, I or IP). Each Part of Term (Flex I, Regular 16 Week, Flex II, etc.) has a unique census date.

Some faculty choose not to drop students after census and make it clear in their syllabi that dropping a class is a student responsibility. Other faculty choose to drop a student who has not attended for a defined length of time or who has fallen so far behind that it is no longer possible for the student to earn a passing grade in the course. Either way, most faculty make an attempt to reach out to students who appear to be struggling or who simply "disappear." Students may need a nudge or a plan developed jointly by the student and instructor to get caught up and to pass the course. Faculty should work with their discipline coordinators and chair to find out if there is an expectation within the academic department of how to handle students who stop attending or who are not passing the course.Links to an external site.



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