Dropping or Withdrawing a Student

  Dropping or Withdrawing a Student

Smart Start–The First Day Counts

Students must attend the first class meeting or contact you to remain enrolled in your course.  Online students are expected to complete an attendance verification activity by Day 3.  You define what that activity is.  Students will now get an automated email notifying them of the drop. 

If a student requests a drop via ACES, you will receive an email request. Complete the request using the Student Course Withdrawal link:

ACES: Faculty Tab: Web Services: Student Course Withdrawal

Note: If it is the student's last or only course, the drop must be finalized by an Advisor.

How to Drop/Withdraw Students Guide Links to an external site.

Source: ACES: Faculty Tab: Faculty Resources

Before Census

Both students and faculty can drop a student online, through ACES, before the Census Date. 

After Census: Automated Withdrawal Process

The ‘Smart Start Drop–NEVER Attended’ button and ‘Withdraw No Grade’ button are both available in
ACES before and through Census drops.
Smart Start Drop–NEVER Attended Button:
  • The ‘Smart Start Drop–NEVER Attended’ button is only available for a few days at the beginning of each part of term since the intent is to drop a student for not attending the first day of class. As stated in the catalog and Procedure F.6.1.1. (Availability is limited to a day for the smaller part of terms.)
  • This option should only be used for the following:
    • Students who do not attend the first day of class and who do not contact you in a reasonable amount of time.
    • Online students who do not complete the attendance activity you define on or before the 3rd day of the first week. Unless the class is less than 5-weeks, then the attendance activity must be completed on or before Census date.
    • Students who never attended.
Withdraw No Grade Button:
  • The ‘Withdraw No Grade’ button is available through Census.
  • After the ‘Smart Start Drop–NEVER Attended’ button goes away the ‘Withdraw No Grade’ button will remain available through Census for the part of term/section.
  • This option will also drop the student without penalty and will not post a grade of ‘W’ on the student’s record.
Friendly Reminders:
  • Keep in mind, only the student’s assigned advisor can process the drop for the student’s last or only class on their schedule. Therefore, if the ‘Smart Start Drop – NEVER Attended’ or ‘Withdraw No Grade’ buttons are not accessible, please contact the student’s assigned advisor or your college’s Enrollment Services Office to have the drop processed.
    • The Action column will reflect ‘This is the Last or Only class on the student record, withdrawal must be performed by assigned Advisor.’
  • Caution: All drops are in real-time. When you select the ‘Smart Start Drop – NEVER Attended’ or ‘Withdraw No Grade’ button for the student’s course, the student will be gone from your roster.
  • If you accidentally drop a student, work with your Enrollment Services Office to have the student reinstated.
  • For guidance on utilizing the Automated Withdrawal process in ACES, go to ACES: Faculty tab: Faculty Resources box: How to Drop/Withdraw Students Guide.

Download Smart Start Withdrawal Process.docx

Prior to dropping or withdrawing a student:

    • Communicate to the student why the student is being dropped or withdrawn and any deadlines to stop this action, if necessary. Student contact information can be found in ACES: Faculty Web Services: Class Rosters.


Academic/Registration Calendars Links to an external site. 

Important Semester Dates Links to an external site. 

Download How to Withdraw (Drop) a Student in ACES