Census Dates

  Census Dates

August calendar on wallCensus dates are dates that mark students' official enrollment at the college. Each Part of Term (Flex I, Regular 16 Week, Flex II, etc.) has a unique census date.

Census Dates can be found on the Academic Calendar Links to an external site.

After a census date, students can no longer be added into a class without a petition approved by the VPAS Registration/Withdrawal Committee. All students included on your ACES class roster as of census date are considered officially enrolled in the class.

Students should not be allowed to attend a class unless they are officially enrolled.

It's a good practice to check your ACES class rosters several times before the census dates to ensure that the students on your roster and the students attending your class are the same. If you find a student attending your class who is not on your roster, please contact NVC Records and Transcripts.

Census dates generally fall approximately after 20% of the class meeting days have been completed:

Course duration (semester length) determines the official census date.
Course Duration Official Census Date is Class Day #
16 week 12
14 week 10
8 week 6
6 week 4
3 week 2

For statewide information on enrollment and reporting, please visit the THECB Higher Education Data site Links to an external site..

Class Rosters

It is very important that your class roster be accurate as of census date. You will receive emails requesting that any students who have "never attended," either in person or online, be dropped as part of the "Smart Start" initiative. It's a good practice to reach out to any students who don't show up on the first day or two of class. Student contact information (phone number, Alamo email, and personal email) is available through ACES, Web Services, Faculty, Class Rosters and also through Canvas. If no response is received, or if students request that you drop them, use the Smart Start drop process outlined in the email you receive. Non-participating students who are not dropped prior to census will affect your success and retention rates.


Email: nvc-records@alamo.edu

Phone: 210-212-5266