Faculty Evaluations and Portfolios
Faculty Evaluations and Portfolios
The Faculty180 evaluation system can be found in ACES under the Faculty tab, middle column.
Current Board policies and procedures are as follows:
Alamo Colleges procedure D.7.1.1 Employee Evaluations Links to an external site. outlines the requirement for all full-time and adjunct faculty to be evaluated periodically. Evaluations are performed by each faculty member's immediate supervisor (chair or other academic leader) and are focused on the following criteria:
- Teaching: including instructional design, delivery, and assessment; class/course management
- Scholarly/Creative Activities: including professional development; discovery/creative activities; dissemination
- Service: including to the institution, profession, and the general public
- Administration where applicable for academic leadership assignments
Alamo Colleges procedure D.7.1.2 Faculty Performance Evaluations
Links to an external site. contains specific chronological guidelines of the performance evaluation process.
- Adjunct faculty will be evaluated during at least one term of each academic year.
- Non-Tenured faculty will be evaluated annually for the first five years of employment and at least once every two years thereafter.
- Tenured faculty will be evaluated once every two years, or more frequently as necessary for other reasons or as requested by the faculty member for such purposes as promotion and awards.
- Chairs will be evaluated by full-time faculty members during the second year of every three-year term of service
Faculty are required to perform annual self-evaluations using the Faculty Self-Evaluation form Links to an external site. and to provide this information to their chair prior to the annual evaluation.
- Faculty classroom observations will be documented on the Classroom Observation form Links to an external site.; an additional page may be attached if needed.
- Faculty performance evaluations will be documented by the chair or supervisor on the Faculty Evaluation form
Links to an external site..
Faculty Portfolios
Each faculty member will build a portfolio with evidence covering the evaluation period of each component requirement and optional activity in the evaluation model and upload the necessary/relevant evaluation materials when required.