Promotion Policy and Procedure

  Promotion Policy and Procedure

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Alamo Colleges Board Policy D.8.2. Promotion and Demotion Links to an external site. explains general terms.

The Alamo Colleges promotion procedure is located in D.8.2.1 Promotion Process Links to an external site.. This procedure is much more detailed and includes all applicable terminology, requirements, and steps in the process to move up in rank.

Specific graduate course work is required (see D.8.2.1 Promotion Process Links to an external site.) for most faculty who are working toward promotion.

The Download Table of Contents Promotion Dossier for Tenure Track Faculty

and the Download Table of Contents Promotion Dossier for Tenured Faculty list all required documents and materials needed to apply for promotion in rank.

The Download Promotion Dossier for Non-Tenured Faculty Checklist

and the Download Promotion Dossier for Tenured Faculty Checklist are also helpful documents that should be used in conjunction with the Tables of Contents to ensure you include all required materials in your promotion application.

The following documents list the criteria for eligibility to apply for promotion to the next rank:

The procedure for application and promotion is outlined in the Download Promotion Procedure


The NVC Faculty Senate is also a good resource to learn more about promotion and tenure. 


Brittany Lopez

Associate Professor


Phone: 210-486-4212