What is a Course Syllabus?
All instructors are required to provide a syllabus in their online courses. The syllabus contains important information including a course description, policies, requirements, outcomes or objectives, course materials, grading policy, student resources, and a general description of course activities. Students are responsible for reading and understanding the syllabus. It is available by clicking Course Syllabus in the course tools menu.
You will be required to be familiar with the contents of the syllabus in each of your courses.
To learn more about the course syllabus watch the video below:
Video transcript Download Video transcript
Inside of any Canvas course, click on the course tools menu link called Course Syllabus. This takes you to the Online Syllabus for your course.
Try it now for this course. Click Course Syllabus in the course tools menu. It will tell you what to expect from this orientation course.