In some classes, you may be required to submit written work through an online anti-plagiarism tool called Turnitin. You will not need to create an account or access Turnitin outside of Canvas. Your instructor will set up assignments to automatically be analyzed. Both you and your instructor will be able to see the similarity report that shows a percentage of the writing that is similar or identical to other known written work.
The purpose of Turnitin is to help students understand how to avoid plagiarizing, both intentionally and unintentionally. It compares written work to other writing available online, submitted to other educational institutions, available through online essay collections, previously submitted by the same student in other classes, copied directly from published works, copied from websites, and submitted by other students at the same college. It also has the ability to detect AI-generated writing such as text created by ChatGPT.
Here are some helpful guides with more information: