Student Access to Brainfuse - Free Online Tutoring

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provides online tutoring for all Alamo Colleges students.

Whether you need assistance with writing or help with concepts or topics from your course, Brainfuse Online Tutoring offers many beneficial services. These include real-time tutoring in the subjects listed below, writing assistance, on-demand videos, and self-help lessons on popular software such as MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint.  Brainfuse Online Tutoring can be accessed from any Canvas course. Help guides and videos are provided. 

To get started, click the Brainfuse Online Tutoring link in the course tools menu. From there, you will see the Brainfuse Online Tutoring student information, and you will click the Launch Brainfuse button to get started with live tutoring, lessons, study guides, flashcards, and study groups in the following:

  • Math (including Statistics)
  • English (Writing, Reading, Speech)
  • Language Lab (Spanish)
  • Science (Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics)
  • Social Science (History and Government)
  • Business (Economics, Accounting, Finance)
  • Computers and Technology (Windows, Excel, Word, PowerPoint)

Access Within Canvas

  • Inside your Canvas course, find Brainfuse Online Tutoring in the course navigation menu and click on it.
  • If the Brainfuse Online Tutoring link is not in the course navigation menu, click Modules to see if your instructor added it to the course orientation module.
  • If it does not appear in either location, contact your instructor and ask them to enable Brainfuse Online Tutoring in the course navigation. 

Brainfuse in course tools menu           or          Brainfuse linked in a module

Brainfuse technical help
help button

For technical issues, you may contact Brainfuse directly at 1-866-BRAINFUSE (1-866-272-4638), or use the "Contact Us" link while inside Brainfuse. 

Whether you prefer to meet with a tutor face-to-face, need to schedule an on-campus appointment or Zoom session, or need more help using Zoom, feel free to contact your college's tutoring center:

Brainfuse and tutoring info/help at the Alamo Colleges

NLC logo 


Northeast Lakeview College Tutoring Links to an external site.

NVC logo

Caroline Kuyumcuoglu

Northwest Vista College Tutoring Links to an external site.

PAC logo

Erron Gonzalez
Palo Alto College Tutoring Links to an external site.

SAC logo
 San Antonio College Student Learning Assistance Center (S.L.A.C.) Links to an external site.

SPC logo
or Liz Castillo 
(210) 486-2527 
 St. Philip's College Links to an external site.

More Brainfuse information and guides Links to an external site. can be found here.