Virtual Resume Review: SkillsFirst

Virtual Resume Review: SkillsFirst


Get your resume reviewed virtually on SkillsFirst TODAY!

  1. Create a portfolio in the SkillsFirst program.
    1. Follow the Instructions for Student Sign Up:  Sign-Up Guide Download Sign-Up Guide
    2. SkillsFirst Link to sign in:  (Use one of the following links/methods)
      1. Links to an external site.
    3. Portfolio Uploads
      1. Scroll down to the "Resume and Cover letter Section." (Look to the right of the "Resume and Cover Letter" section title)
      2. Add Files (Upload your Resume and/or Cover Letter
        1. To add files to a category, use the 3 Dots to “Add Files

SDEV Template Categories add Files.png

        1. To rename your file(s) after upload, click the 3 Dots next to your file and choose “Update Name/Description.
        2. File names should be as follows:
          1. Your first 2 Initials Resume  (ex. AB Resume Final
          2. Your first 2 Initials Cover Letter  (ex. AB Cover Letter Final
          3. Your first 2 Initials Thank You Letter  (ex. AB Thank You Letter Final)
        3. Repeat the Add Files, Upload and Naming and Save File steps for your other documents.