Accessing and Editing Your Concourse eSyllabus in Canvas
Your Concourse eSyllabus is your "official" syllabus.
There's no need to create a separate syllabus in a Word document, PDF, or content page.
So, please don't work harder than you need to--just use the one official syllabus in Concourse.
Your Concourse eSyllabus is automatically embedded inside every Canvas course.
NOTE: This is true for all for-credit, academic courses. You will not see a Concourse eSyllabus if:
- Your course is cross-listed in Banner
- Your course is a non-credit course (such as an orientation, workshop or refresher) that doesn’t have a syllabus
- Your course was manually created in Canvas and does not exist in Banner (such as department resources, advising shells, Go FAARR, etc.)
If your course falls into one of these categories, it would be a good idea to hide the Course Syllabus link from the Course Tools menu. Do that in Settings, Navigation.
For academic courses, the automatically generated syllabus can be found under the Course Syllabus link the left-hand Course Tools menu. (If you don't see the Course Tools menu, click the three horizontal lines near the top left corner of the white space.) You can edit it from inside Canvas. Here's an example:
To edit the syllabus, simply Hover over Syllabus and click Edit: