How Do I Add a Colleague as Observer/TA?
How Do I Add a Colleague as an Observer (or TA)?
You may wish to add a fellow faculty member or chair to your course as an observer or as a TA. The difference between those two roles is this: An observer can see almost everything in the course except private information such as the grades. A TA can see and do almost everything that the teacher can do--just like a TA in a face-to-face university course--including interacting with students and grading student work.
If your department requires that you add a colleague as a mentor or peer observer, check with the department to find out the most appropriate role.
It's easy to add someone to your course.
1. Click People in the left course menu.
2. Click Add People at the top right of the list.
3. Type in the Alamo email address (or just the ID--the part before the @) of the person you wish to add. Choose the Role from the drop-down list. If you are adding more than one person in the same role, simply hit Enter to skip to the next line. Click Next.
4. Confirm that the correct person's name appears to the left of the email address. If not, click Start Over. Make sure you are using the entire email address (not just the person's ACES ID). Click Add Users.
5. Click Done.
You can also remove someone that you added to your class. (You cannot remove students.) To do this, in the People list, click the "gear wheel" to the right of the person's name and click Remove From Course.