Creating a Canvas Course From Scratch
Starting from Scratch
If you decide to create an entirely new course in Canvas, you will find the process far simpler than you might expect. You can build your course in any order you wish. For example, some faculty like to build their course straight from the syllabus, adding weekly assignments, readings, and activities in chronological order. Others prefer to work on specific portions of the course one at a time--maybe creating all the content pages, all the discussions, all the quizzes, etc. Finally, others may build a course like a bee in a field full of clover--buzzing from one item to the next as inspiration strikes. Whatever your particular style, you will find building a course in Canvas fairly intuitive.
Click here for a guide produced by Canvas titled How to Build a Simple Canvas Course, along with an accompanying video Links to an external site.. NOTE: Alamo Colleges faculty cannot create courses. In the guide – please start at number 3. In the video – please ignore 1:29 – 1:50.
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