How Do I Send An Email to My Students?

How Do I Send An Email to My Students?

NOTE: It is important to use both your own Alamo (ACES) email account and your students' Alamo (ACES) email accounts. This is the official communication channel for college-related correspondence.

1. Log into ACES.

2. Choose the Faculty or Employee tab, Web Services, Faculty.

3. If prompted, choose the current term and the course CRN.

4. Choose Summary Class List from the menu.

5. If you wish to email just one student, click the envelope icon on the far right side of the screen. This will open a blank email addressed to the student. Email Icon

6. If you wish to email an entire class, slide down the bottom of the class list. Under the last student's name, you will see a gray Display Email List button. Click it.Display Email List button

7. Your screen will pop back up to the top, so slide down to the bottom again. Now you will see a box with all of your students' email addresses listed in one big clump. Grab the "wrinkles" in the bottom right corner of the box and drag down/right to enlarge it until you are seeing white space after the last student's address.

Class list email listing window

8. Right click inside the box and Select All (or you can use your cursor to highlight all). Right click and Copy the whole list.

Copy class list of email addresses

9. Open a New email and Paste the list into the To: box.

10. Now here's the only tricky part: you MUST change the commas separating the email addresses to semicolons. You can do this manually, but it's tedious. Here's an easier way: Open a new Word document and paste the list into Word. Highlight (select) the whole list. In the Home tab, on the far right top corner, click Replace. (It's in the Editing tools.)

Paste email addresses into Word

In the Find what box, type a , and Replace with ; . Replace All.

    Word Find and Replace

Then copy your new list with the semicolons into the To: box in the email.

 Paste email addresses into new email Voila!