Extra/Missing Students? Making Your ACES and Canvas Rosters Agree

Making Your ACES and Canvas Rosters Agree

At the beginning of each semester--preferably the first day of classes--each instructor should check that the class roster in ACES agrees with the class roster in Canvas.

To see your class roster in ACES:

  1. Log into ACES.
  2. Faculty tab.
  3. Web Services.
  4. Faculty.
  5. Summary Class List.
  6. Select the current term.
  7. Select the specific course (CRN).

ACES Web Services Channel    ACES Web Services Faculty Listing

To see your class roster in Canvas, click People in the left course menu.

Compare the two rosters. They should show the same students.

In a perfect world, because everything is driven by the Student Information System (Banner) registration rolls, everything would sync up perfectly. Alas, our world is far from perfect, and occasionally you find a student or two who appears on one roster and not the other.

What to do if the rosters don't agree?

Please call the IT Help Desk (not Canvas or Teaching with Technology team) at 210-486-4777 or 210-485-0555, opt. 4, and say, "I need an ICGORODM sync."

  • Be sure to have your course CRN(s) and the Banner numbers for the student(s) who are appearing incorrectly.
  • If you really want to make the help desk folks happy, pronounce ICGORODM as a word: "Eye-see-go-ROH-dum." That's how they say it, and they'll be plenty impressed if you do the same.

The change should happen quickly, so recheck the rosters again in about 15 minutes. If the rosters still don't agree, let the "batch sync" run overnight and check again the next day. Call IT back if necessary.

Also check out the beginning of the term checklist for other items to check.