Webcam Recording Tips

Recommendations for successful webcam recordings

Sample webcam picture



  • Use a good quality webcam such as a HD or 720 pixel webcam. 
  • Keep it short and to-the point: generally, 2-5 minutes and no longer than 7 minutes.
  • Make sure you have good lighting.
  • Don’t position yourself in front of a window or lamp – light should be hitting your face, not the camera.
  • Audio is clear and crisp. This might mean a microphone where you can adjust the placement.
  • The presenter or topic is framed appropriately.
  • Practice and allow enough time for re-take.
  • Try to speak naturally, either from memory or a “bare bones” outline. It never sounds right to read from a script.
  • Position your notes up high, behind the camera, so that you are not looking down at your computer screen or desk.
  • Be sure to look and speak into the camera, not into your computer screen.
  • If you are nervous speaking to a camera, do several takes until your nerves dissipate.
    • A trick that helps is to fasten a picture of someone you are comfortable talking to behind your camera so you can talk to that person.

Some tips

  • Practice with your technology - Make sure your video and sound are working well. Do a "dry run" with a friend using the same software and hardware you will use for the video.
  • Practice looking into the camera - It's tempting to look down at your notes or at the screen, but when you are speaking, you should be looking into the camera.
  • Sound check - There's no need to shout into a webcam or microphone. Adjust your sound settings during your practice session so that you can speak naturally.
  • Check your background - Make sure your camera is not pointing at a bright open window, mini-blinds or other striped/patterned backgrounds that "dance" on camera, or a less-than-professional background. It's OK if your computer is in your home office, bedroom, living room, etc., but make sure the background is not cluttered or distracting.
  • Sssh, please - Put the dog in the yard and ask the kids to play quietly for 20 minutes while you are recording. During this time, you are "at work," so you want to portray that image. Be sure to turn off your cell phone and close your email program to avoid disruptive alerts.
  • Try to hold still - Many webcams track the movement of the person in front of them, so be careful not to rock back and forth or twirl in your chair. This may cause the picture to constantly zoom in and out or becoming annoyingly pixelated. 



How to record and edit videos for your online courses Links to an external site.
Recommendations for making better recordings using your webcam Links to an external site.
Tips on how to make a good recording Links to an external site.