Library Resources

  Library Resources

Redbud Learning Center at night

The NVC Library serves our students by providing both on-campus and online access to the library digital collections/databases; as well as one-on-one remote assistance with research.   

Please visit the NVC Library Links to an external site. website for information:

Course Reserves

Students can check out items from Course Reserves using their Alamo Student ID for in library use only up to two hours.  If you would like to place a textbook or other course materials in Course Reserves for your students please contact the Circulation Desk at     

Please note, at this time many textbook publishers are not licensing eTextbooks to libraries Links to an external site.. If you are interested in eTextbook we recommend discussing it with the Chair of your department or contacting the publisher directly for options.

Purchase Request

We welcome your suggestions for additions to the library collections! Please use the Purchase Request form Links to an external site. to submit suggestions.

  • Before submitting a request you can check One Search Links to an external site. to see if the library already owns a copy.
  • Due to COVID-19, the library is not currently purchasing print items or physical copies of DVDs. Please also note that at this time the purchasing and processing of materials may take extra time.

For information about requesting Streaming Media please click here! Links to an external site.

Information Literacy (IL) Classes (Zoom)

IL Classes will be conducted through Zoom as needed.. 

IL Classes through Zoom can be scheduled with the library by filling out the Information Literacy Class Request Form Links to an external site..

Other options for IL Instruction include:

The library orientation course (and individual modules) can be found in the Canvas Commons by searching "NVC Library Orientation." Download the entire Course, or just a single module, into your Canvas shell. Each module has a quiz that can sync with your grade book.

If you don't see a guide that covers your subject or topic you can contact the library at

NoodleTools Free Citation Software

The library offers a vast array of online resources to help students properly cite their sources.

Please encourage your students to take advantage of these online resources!

Online Collections (Databases)

The library databases cover a variety of subjects and contain online resources such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, streaming video, art images, sculptures, music and much more!

Click here to browse available databases Links to an external site..

Open Educational Resources (OER)/Open Access

Interested in using OER/OA in your classes? Check out the libraries Open Education Guide Links to an external site.. The library can also assist with locating Open Educational Resources for your class. Just contact the library at for more information.


Chat or Zoom: You can Chat or Zoom with library staff: NVC Library Links to an external site.   You can request a Zoom session through the chat box options.
