BioSig Instructions

Creating Your BioSig-ID Profile

Recent Federal legislation requires that all online courses have a system implemented to verify students in all courses. Alamo Colleges is committed to preserving the academic integrity of its courses and has implemented a unique technology from a company called Biometric Signature ID (BSI).

Protecting your security and preventing identity theft is very important. Please review these helpful tips and watch the video before creating your profile.

  • Choose your input device (mouse, stylus, touchpad, touchscreen)
  • If you are using your mouse, you will hold your left mouse button down and draw a password consisting of 3-4 numbers or letters that you choose.
  • Do not use a cursive signature as most people cannot use their mouse effectively for this.
  • Use a series of numbers or letters. Do not use slashes, hyphens, dots or one continuous line to create your secret code. The software will not accept these.
  • Draw your password on the BioSig-ID™ screen three times to using your mouse, touchpad, touchscreen or stylus. You will also be asked to enroll in Click-ID™ to create a picture password.
  • After you have created your BioSig-ID profile, you will be asked to verify your identity by drawing the same password you created during enrollment.
  • The BioSig-ID software compares each verification attempt to your stored profile and determines whether the same person drew the password.
  • This software provides enhanced security, because only you can draw your password the same way every time with a 99.97% accuracy.
  • We suggest you securely save your password and other details in case you need it later (for example, 1-2-3-4 using mouse, blue balloon picture).

For tech support call (210) 485-0555  Option 4.  

BioSig training videos

Play the video below to learn about the BioSig ID process.  NOTE: If the video does not appear or will not play, check to see if your browser is blocking the content.


BioSig Training Videos
Creating your BioSig-ID Password How to Reset a BioSig Password (video)