Statements to Include in Online, Hybrid, and Web-Enhanced Classes

In addition to the usual information included in the syllabus or orientation materials used in face-to-face classes, you should include a few more important statements to help students be prepared for online, hybrid, and web-enhanced classes.
Below are some examples; feel free to copy or adapt the examples or create your own statements:

Under Textbook and Other Materials

  • You should have easy access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection.
  • Because this class uses videos, you will also need speakers or headphones/earbuds.
  • You will need a web camera for creating your own audio/video files. Webcams can be purchased at most electronics stores, "big box" retailers, or online; you may also use the camera built into your smart phone or mobile device. (Add whatever specific software or programs that will be required in your course and basic instructions on how to locate/purchase them.)
  • You should also be familiar with web browsers, messaging, basic file management and word processing, and you should know how to search for and locate information on the Internet.
  • You will also need access to the following software: Microsoft Office 2010 or its equivalent, Adobe Photoshop, and Google Docs. (Add whatever specific software or programs that will be required in your course.)

Question: What Internet skills would be helpful in an online class?
Answer: The most successful students have the following Internet skills:

  • Familiarity with their web browsers, email and file management.
  • Knowing how to make and organize bookmarks in their browser software.
  • Some familiarity with web-based interactions: email, discussion boards, listservs, mailing lists, and chat rooms will also be useful.
  • Some proficiency with word processing.
  • Experience in successful Internet searches using a variety of search engines.
  • The ability to update your browser and supporting programs (Java, Adobe, etc.) to the latest versions.

If you do not have access to a computer or to the Internet, please plan to complete this course using one of the many student computers available throughout the Alamo Colleges campuses. To find the locations and hours of availability of computer labs, libraries, and student tutoring centers with student computers, please choose the Resources tab in the dark blue band near the top of this page, College Resources. You may also use public computers such as those found in public libraries and on other college or university campuses.

I encourage you to download the Canvas app for your smart phone or mobile device. Although you may not be able to complete 100% of your course work and assignments on your mobile device, you will find it extremely useful. Instructions to locate and download the app may be found here.

Under Class Policies

In order to be successful in this course, please plan to log in at least 3 times per week. Plan to spend approximately 8-10 hours per week completing readings, assignments, and activities. (Give your expectations for student to succeed in your course.)

I plan to be online most evenings from 6-8PM, Monday through Saturday. I will respond to questions sent to my Canvas inbox within 24 hours (except Sundays) and will strive to return graded work within a week. (State your own expectations for availability and responsiveness. This does not commit you to being online at specific times.)

The best way to contact me is through the Canvas inbox. If you cannot access Canvas, you may also email me at or call me at 210-486-1234.
(Please do not give students your private email address; all Alamo Colleges correspondence should occur within Canvas or using the Alamo Colleges email accounts. Use your discretion in sharing your cell phone number. You can set your notification preferences in Canvas so that inbox messages are forwarded to your cell phone, and you can ask students to do the same. That way, you can communicate using cell phones without sharing your private phone numbers.)

Resources Tab.PNG     Help Button.PNG

Student Help / Student Resources

Please note the Resources tab in the dark blue section near the top of every Canvas page. Here you will find the Student Quick Guide (Canvas training), Technical Support (for browsers, pop-up blocker settings, etc.), and College Resources (enrollment, financial aid, on-campus tutoring centers, computer labs, library, etc.). Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with those resources now.

If you experience difficulties logging in or accessing any of the course material or activities, submitting an assignment, taking a test, etc., please seek help immediately by clicking the Help button in the upper right corner of any Canvas course and choosing from the many options listed there. Help is available 24/7.