SoftChalk - What is it and why would I want to use it?
Great Lessons with SoftChalk™ in the Cloud
Why Should I try SoftChalk
Lessons can be more visual.
Keeps all your lesson assets in one place (text, photos, videos, charts) and updates all instances.
Reinforces assigned reading
Integrates with Canvas
5 Things to Try in SoftChalk
1. Turn your Powerpoint, lecture notes or outline into an interactive lesson.
Turn this
into this
2. Embed a website preview, instead of using a hyperlink.
3. Embed glossary definitions as pop-ups.
4. Add instant quiz questions to test recognition
5. Create continuity with Preview and Wrap-Up Pages
How to Get Started With SoftChalk
1. Download SoftChalk your home computer using instructions from the Faculty tab in ACES.
(Submit a service request
Links to an external site. to get SoftChalk installed on your work workstation.)
2. Start creating lessons with the program.
3. Create your cloud account at Links to an external site. and receive your license key by contacting us Links to an external site..
4. Upload your lessons and link them to anywhere from there!
Fran made this presentation at the NVC TeachTechFest 2013 on July 9,2013
Fran Stephenson, MA
Adjunct Faculty, Communications Dept.
Additional Softchalk Resources:
Integration Guide with Canvas Download Integration Guide with Canvas
Migrating your SoftChalk files to SoftChalk Cloud Download Migrating your SoftChalk files to SoftChalk Cloud