Orientation to Online Learning (OLRN)
Orientation to Online Learning (OLRN)
Are you new to online learning? The Alamo Colleges offer a no-fee, non-credit short course designed to teach students how to be successful online learners. The course is student-centered, engaging, and very beneficial. If you have never taken an online course at the Alamo Colleges, please enroll today! Here's how:
Log into ACES.
Click the Student tab.
Click Web Services.
Click Student & Financial Aid.
Click Registration.
Click Look Up Classes.
Select the current (or upcoming) term and click Submit.
Scroll through the Subject list and select Orientation to Online Learning. Click Course Search.
Click View Sections to see the available sections for which you may register.
Then, simply choose a section offered by your college or one that still has available slots. You will see that each section has a CRN, just like regular classes. Enroll in OLRN just as you would for any other course. Remember, this is a no-fee, non-credit course. It is fully online. It will take about 1-2 hours to complete.
Here's a sneak preview: