How to Navigate This Course

How to Navigate This Course

Welcome to Canvas, the Learning Management System used by the Alamo Colleges. And welcome to (NAME OF YOUR COURSE). I hope you will enjoy this course and find it very beneficial to you in your academic and professional careers.

Map for Navigation

We will be using the online system, Canvas, to enhance this course, and to provide you with an easy way to access your course content, assignments/activities, and grades. We will be using many Canvas tools including announcements, the assignment drop box, links to videos and web pages, the grade book, and much more. You will quickly become accustomed to using the Canvas system.


Please take a moment to find and click on the Help button in the upper right corner. This is the first place you should go if you need to contact the instructor, contact the Canvas help desk, report a problem, or consult the Canvas guides and videos.

Next, please locate and click on the Resources tab at the top of the page (in the dark blue bar). There you will find links to the Canvas Quick Guide for Students, Technical Support, and College Resources.


The instructor will divide the course content into weekly modules. The best way to navigate this course is to click on the word Modules in the menu on the left. That will take you straight to the weekly modules where you can navigate through the week's activities in the order in which they are intended. Please don't try to navigate by using the other tools such as the calendar, assignments, or syllabus. They will not contain everything you need each week. Also, please don't simply use the "To-Do" list on the homepage--it contains only dated assignments. Everything is in the modules.

NOTE: Using the content in the modules on your own time will not substitute for attendance during class.