Resources for Students

Resources for Students

The following several pages and links are resources that you are welcome to use in your own Canvas courses. Feel free to copy them, adapt them, and modify as needed. 

Please note that many of these pages and resources--the ones related to using Canvas--already exist within every Canvas course.
Your students may simply need to be directed or reminded where to find them.

In the Resources tab in the dark blue bar at the top of the page, they will find the Canvas quick Guide for Students, Technical Support, and College Resources.

From the Help button in the upper right corner of every Canvas course, they can locate:

  • A link to contact the instructor
  • The Canvas guides
  • The 24/7 Help phone number
  • The Canvas live Chat feature
  • Report a Problem - to submit a ticket
  • Request a Feature - to make a suggestion to improve Canvas

Other pages and resources withing this module are more general: they will help your students understand how to succeed in the online environment and in your course. There are also pages you can copy for netiquette, navigation, and other helpful features.