Copying Your Previous Canvas Course

As you’re setting up your upcoming courses, you may wish to copy all or part of your previous courses. Here’s how:


  1. Log into ACES, My Courses tab. Choose the current (upcoming) semester.     

  2. Click on the name of the "empty" course you want to copy content into.

  3. In the Course Navigation (on the left), click the Settings link at the end of the list.

  4. On the right-hand side click on Import Content into this course.
    Settings right-hand selection
  5. You are going to Import Content by copying (all or part of) a Canvas Course.
  6. The Content Type will be Copy a Canvas Course.
  7. Next, you need to find the course you wish to copy from. You can do this in a variety of ways: by clicking the drop-down list, by course name, or by CRN. Be sure you are choosing the correct course/section number and semester.
  8. Click on the name of the course you wish to copy from.
  9. Checkmark the options you want.
      1. Check the first box if you want to import only parts of the previous course (not the entire course).
      2. Check the second box if you want to automatically adjust the dates from Fall to Spring. If so, tell it the start date and end date of the course.
      3. You can also choose a day substitution (for ex., change a TR class to a MW class)
        Canvas Import Adjust Events and Due Dates
  10. Click Import.
      1. You will see a progress bar to tell you the job has been placed in the Queue, then it’s Running, then it’s Completed. (You can work on other things in the course while it’s running.)
        Canvas Import Queue Status
  11. If you said you wanted to select specific content to import, then you will see this:
    Canvas Import Select Content
  12. Click Select Content and checkmark the boxes of the content you wish to copy all or some of. For ex., you can import all of your quizzes, or just a few of them:
    Canvas Import Selecting Content

Help! I copied the wrong course!

  1. Finally, if you copy the wrong course, fear not! Click Settings in the left menu, and then Reset Course Content on the right side. Then you will be back to a blank shell, and you can start over.

Here are a few links for more info: