Why Do I Need Grading Rubrics?
Why Do I Need a Grading Rubric?
If you have plenty of time on your hands and nothing better to do than grade papers, assignments, and discussions, then you probably don't need rubrics. But if you would like to drastically cut your grading time and still provide timely, high-quality feedback to your students, then rubrics are for you! Rubrics can be easily aligned with learning outcomes. You design your own rubrics to reflect the criteria and ratings specific to each assignment or groups of assignments. You will then grade directly from the rubrics, and the grades will be automatically entered into the gradebook along with any text, audio, or video comments.
Let's look at a few "real world" examples.
You can link the discussion post rubric Download discussion post rubric to your graded discussions too.
Be sure to include a column for a score of "0" in each criterion for those students who did not post/submit or who did not meet the minimum for that criterion.
You may download the WAC rubric
Download download the WAC rubric and use it for your writing assignments today.
You can find more information on how to align your learning outcomes with a rubric with this Canvas guide.