Orientation Module
Do you have an Orientation Module in your course?
Whether you teach online or face-to-face, an orientation module is considered a best practice. It can serve many purposes by allowing students to:
- Find out how to get technical help
- Locate academic resources such as advising, tutoring, and labs
- Learn how to navigate your course
- Learn how to use Canvas
- Find out your netiquette expectations
- Practice using the course tools
- Get a "feel" for your course
In the Resources for Students module of this course, please feel free to adapt or use anything you find there that would be helpful for your students.
Also, an Instructional Designer from SPC created this orientation module Download orientation module that you are welcome to use and adapt. If something doesn't apply to your courses, please feel free to add, modify, or delete!
Here's an example. Imagine if you were a student in this course. Would you find this Orientation module helpful?