Imagine This . . .

You are all students taking Driver's Ed. 

You know the end goal (the outcome): to become safe, licensed drivers. 


I'm the instructor. 

I tell you that there are interim goals you must master and that I will assess to determine how well you are progressing toward the final goal. For example, you will need to learn/know:

  • the meanings of various signs
  • many driving-related laws
  • certain formulas to determine speed, safe following distance, and stopping distance
  • the basics of how a car works


You will also need to master many skills such as:

  • accelerating and decelerating
  • steering
  • parking
  • avoidance maneuvers


And you will have to be able to apply the knowledge and put these skills to use by analyzing situations and determining the best ways to handle them.


Sounds familiar, right?

What if I then told you that you, the students, were going to help design the curriculum, activities, and assessments that would help you achieve the goal? Could you do it?


Today we are going to look at some ways to empower students by making them invested in their own learning, by helping to build their own learning, using available tools in Canvas!