Student Clubs and Organizations

  Student Clubs and Organizations

Northwest Vista College recognizes the importance of organized student organizations as an integral component of the total educational experience of the student. NVC students have the opportunity for membership in cultural, recreational, religious, governance, honor, social, political, and service organizations. Student organizations offer opportunities to enhance students' academic and social life on campus!

NVC Psi Bet student group    NVC Psychology Club Community Service student group

What clubs and organizations are available to NVC students?

Visit Student Life/Clubs & Organizations Links to an external site. for general info and a link to AlamoExperience Links to an external site. -- the site that connects students to current and upcoming events and activities.

How can I become involved as a club advisor?

Please contact the Student Activities staff members listed below.

Will serving as club advisor "count" toward my service to the institution for annual performance reviews and promotion?

Yes. Be sure to keep track of the amount of time you spend with the club, your activities, and any accomplishments.



Naomi Gordon
Coordinator, Registered Student Organizations