Academic Integrity

  Academic Integrity

NVC Academic Integrity Statement Contained in Syllabi:

Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism occurs when you use someone else's work and submit it as your own without giving the author credit. Always cite other authors’ work when you paraphrase, completely re-write, or quote someone else. In addition, it is academic dishonesty to resubmit your own work from a previous course to another course. This is not permitted in this course. To prevent plagiarism and academic dishonesty from happening in this course, your written assignments will be submitted to Turnitin upon submission in Canvas. In addition, any work posted in this course (i.e., on the discussion board) is subject to instructor submission on Turnitin checks your work against Internet, journal, and other work that has been submitted. To learn more about plagiarism, and other forms of academic integrity violations, review the Northwest Vista College's Academic Integrity website (see below). You are responsible for understanding and will be held accountable for the information in this policy. Plagiarized work will receive a zero. More than one occurrence may result in a failing grade in this course.

The Value of Integrity: Northwest Vista College seeks to produce graduates who not only have an academic mastery of their subject, but also exhibit academic integrity and scholastic honesty. Academic integrity violations include the sale of academic product, academic enticement or influence, academic misconduct, cheating, fabrication, collusion, and plagiarism. Penalties for academic dishonesty are serious and range from failing to expulsion. Please read the complete set of policies and procedures regarding academic integrity in the NVC Student Code of Conduct Links to an external site. 

More Resources:

NVC Academic Integrity Reporting site Links to an external site.

Alamo Colleges Board Policy F.4.2 Links to an external site. defines the role of the district, administration, and students in relation to academic and non-academic student conduct, and it defines the disciplinary process.

Alamo Colleges Board Procedure F.4.2.2 Links to an external site. outlines both violations/disciplinary actions and appeals process.