Copyright and Fair Use

  Copyright and Fair Use

Review: Alamo Colleges Policy E.1.7 Links to an external site.:

iPad vs. Textbooks

College District employees and students shall comply with the provisions of the United States Copyright Law. Subject to certain specific exceptions (i.e., “fair use doctrine”), the owner of a copyright has the exclusive rights to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, or publicly display the copyrighted work, or to authorize such acts by others. Employees and students shall be held accountable for violations of copyright laws. College District employees and students shall comply with “Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in Not-for-Profit Educational Institutions,” as cited in 17 U.S.C. 107. These guidelines shall be made available through appropriate publications distributed by the College District. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or use of intellectual property, including computer software or sound recordings constitutes copyright infringement, is prohibited by this policy, and is illegal and subject to both civil and criminal penalties.



Chat or Zoom: You can Chat or Zoom with library staff: NVC LibraryLinks to an external site.

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