Syllabus-Simple Syllabus

  Syllabus-Simple Syllabus

Simple Syllabus Logo

Simple Syllabus Links to an external site. is the electronic syllabus software used by the Alamo Colleges District to comply with Texas House Bill 2504, which requires all public institutions of higher education to post information about courses, faculty, and other information on the web. Specifically, "each institution of higher education, other than a medical and dental unit, shall make available to the public on the institution's Internet website certain undergraduate course information, and information about available work-study opportunities." Texas Administrative Code Links to an external site.

For more information, please visit the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Links to an external site. (THECB) website.

Much of the syllabus will be pre-formatted for you. Information such as the course name/number, description, learning outcomes (SLOs), textbook information, and district-wide and college-wide policies will be added before you begin editing. Instructors then add their own grading scheme, class schedule, assignments, contact information, curriculum vita, and other instructor-specific information, such as classroom policies.

Accessing & Editing Your Course Syllabi

eSyllabus Access & Editing Timelines can be found on the Academic Success Faculty AlamoSHARE Site Links to an external site. 

Log into ACES, Select the Employee Tab, Select "Simple Syllabus"

For assistance, review the Simple Syllabus Training Guide Links to an external site. 

Training may also be available via in-person or Zoom sessions. Additional Simple Syllabus training for Faculty can be found in AlamoTALENT:

Log into ACES, Select the Employee Tab, Select AlamoTALENT: Search for "Simple Syllabus" or follow this link: Simple Syllabus Training for Faculty Links to an external site. 

Ensuring Accessibility

 Review: Ensuring Accessibility for Your Online Syllabus Links to an external site. 

The Alamo Colleges adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Sections 504 and 508 which provides equal access to everyone, especially those with sensory, physical, and/or cognitive impairments. Digital accessibility also allows any learner to perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with content on the Web and contribute to the Web.

Content components in Simple Syllabus allows instructors and template editors to add or edit rich text within the document through a Web-based word processing software. You can choose to create content from scratch or copy and paste from a desktop application such as Microsoft Word.

The following guide highlights various features of the Rich Content Editor (RCE) Links to an external site., ensuring your online syllabus remains accessible to students and the public.


For technical questions, email: