Outside Employment and Activities

  Outside Employment and Activities

All faculty are required to notify their Department Chairs of other employment.

You must notify your Department Chair if you are employed/self-employed by non-Alamo Colleges employers and/or by other Alamo Colleges. 

Some examples:

  • Teaching at NVC and also teaching at another Alamo College (on-campus, remote, or online)
  • Teaching at NVC and also teaching at another school, college or university (on-campus, remote, or online)
  • Working part-time or full-time in your primary career field
  • Working part-time or full-time in a second or additional job
  • Working part-time or full-time in a volunteer position
  • Self-employed in a home office or privately-owned business/service

Be very careful not to "overlap" your other employment, outside of or within the Alamo Colleges, with your normal faculty work hours at the college. For example, faculty may not teach at another institution during work hours in which they are expected to hold office hours, attend committee meetings, grade student work, provide student advising, or meet other teaching-related obligations. This is considered "double dipping."

Also be sure to discuss with your chair any potential conflicts of interest; for example, employment that may cause negative publicity for the college or district, or using materials developed using Alamo Colleges resources to benefit you in another non-Alamo Colleges position.

Be careful not to use Alamo Colleges property, such as computers, to conduct other employment.

Full-time College District employees may not have full-time employment or assignments, paid or unpaid, outside the College District.

Please review Board Procedure 2.4.3 Links to an external site.Conflict of Interest: Assignments and Outside Activities for specific guidance.

Use the Download Reporting Other Assignments form

to notify your Department Chair of outside employment and activities.