Office Hours

  Office Hours

teacher and student meeting in office

  • All faculty members should be available to their students 15 minutes prior to and following each class. Additionally, all faculty members are expected to provide students with written notice—usually by inclusion in the syllabus—of their office hours and the means by which they may be contacted in order to respond to student questions, problems, or other student needs. You may choose to have your students contact you at your office phone number at the college, through Canvas, or via your Alamo email address. Please do not share your personal phone number or email address with students.
  • Full-time faculty establish ten (10) regular office hours per week during which time your students may meet with you on campus.
  • There is no such requirement for adjunct faculty, although adjuncts are very much encouraged to be available to students for consultation, discussion, etc.
  • It is important that all faculty members provide a reasonable means by which their students may contact them and that students are made aware of these means.

Consider renaming your office hours; for example, "Student Hours" or "Come See Me." This prevents confusion for students who may think that "office hours" are the times when you are busy grading or conducting research in your office. And it is more student-centered.